Three Ponds
There are 3 ponds on the hotel property that add freshness and the soothing sound of splashing water to its immediate environment. The koi pond is home to many koi. It is deep and allows koi to swim against horizontal and vertical currents. Its shape are two circles, one in each other to allow maximum access to the koi. The surrounding stones give it a kind of a natural look.
The papyrus pond consists of 2 parts, with the upper one nourishing many papyrus plants standing in the water. It is also deep. It is geometric in design, all rectangles. The twin waterfalls give a minimalistic sound to the guests in the restaurant.
The pond behind the Strutz Art Café is still not finished with the plants around it just having been planted. Its design is also geometric, the main pond is an exact ellipse, the upper pond a circle. The large natural stones embedded and thrown into its surrounding add a contra point to is geometrical design.
The deeper ponds are equipped with an emergency escape ladder which let one ill guided guest, and this is not a joke, to believe that our swimming pool is "dirty". The crystal clear water of the pool should not be confounded with the naturally green looking ponds that have their own eco systems.