Paintings by Theo Strutz
In the Strutz Art Garden Resort

Paintings by Theo Strutz are displayed in each guest room, in other locations of the hotel and in the café.
Theo Strutz has been a professional artist who was residing in Germany. Theo and his wife Marianne Strutz, have had visited the Philippines 5 times. Theo inspired everyone in the owner's family with his passion about art.
He studied art at the Art Academy in Hamburg. One of his favorite techniques is watercolor painting, which he creates on study tours or other trips, mostly done on site, exactly right in front of the object. Thus, the impressions are fresh and alive. Many paintings include the themes of Mediterranean sceneries like deep blue waters, colorful flowers, historic ruins and majestic churches. Back home in the studio, Theo works the impressions into colorful oil paintings of more abstract and powerful nature. Theo’s works often show and inspire the beauty in nature and creation.
Oil Paintings

I Love Bangued (Oil Painting)
In the painting "I love Bangued" the viewer can detect the family house in the resort with its yellow walls in front of gardens, planting of rice in water flooded rice paddies, a farmer on a sledge pulled by a water buffalo, a red hibiscus flower, the sea with colorful creatures, an island and a tropical sunset over the mountains of Abra. All these images are integrated in the artistic composition of form and color. The viewer never gets tired to look at it.

The Hotel Seen Through the Eyes of The Artist